I have been taking my existing forum layout work and using other imagesets and stylesheets to create identical layouts in other colors.
You can
edit your profile and select a select a different Board style.
Note: The forum styles do not change the design of the entire site, just the forums.
Posting text in colors other than the default may render your post illegible to users who opt to use different colored themes.
At the time of this writing we have the default style, a green one, a black one and a softer version of the default style.
In the near future you can expect to see a grey theme, and several "plain" themes that will be less image intensive and will be much faster for dial-up users.
In the distant future there will be some very unique styles created that are not typical of forum software. These styles will be designed from scratch and tested extensively so they might not appear for months.
Once the basic structure of these new styles (which may become the default site design in a future version of the site) is made different imagesets and color schemes will be added.
I'd like some feedback on what basic colors you would like to see added to future forum themes. Please don't amke specific requests and don;t link to other sites whose design you'd like us to emulate as taht is far ahead of our current plans.
What we hope to accomplish now is simply to determine what color schemes the members woudl most like to see.