It as actually very important that neurons interact with other neurons as much as possible during development, I'm sure there is no time that they would be made to be latent. After some time after (and during) develpoment, certain synapses are favored, others arent, but the idea is that as many synapses happen as possible to find the most favorable.
No the baby doesnt sit in the womb thinking, to his or herself, "I remember that time I was down at the cervix...", thoughts that contain such complex ideas about time space dimension, sense of self etc cant be expected for a couple of years after birth; yet they show signs of having a self awareness ie touching certain areas of themselves or touching certain areas of someone else in the case of twins in order to instigate play. Some babies have been shown to purposely cut themselves off of oxygen (squeezing the chord)presumably because they like the effect of passing out. Its pretty incredible what goes on in there.
Here is the thing though. So these babies have a self awareness at pretty early stages of development. During those early days they are also pretty dexterious creatures, they swim around and do stuff. Eventually they grow out of room and sit there, stretching or turning around ocaisionally, but basicly just sitting and growing and then eventually they turn into the little wailing blobs of flesh that we call a new born.
Kind of like if you came into existance in a swimming pool, you gained a sense of self awreness and about that you do, you get put into a sleeping bag and shoved in a corner at such a gradual rate that you fail to notice it ever happened. By the time you are there, the activity and movement that were the foundation of your identity have all but ceased, the environment they developed off and from has shrunk out of existence and youve been squeezed into a "cocoon" so to speak. In other words the whole world that the identity is dependant on cease to be and so does the dependant identy. There is however a vestige of the past lefe after birth. Many of the synapse required for a baby to swim around a womb are still favored after the child is birthed and translate into the crawling mechanism.
Its also importantant to realize that we call memory is not one solid thing; there are various types of memory. There is the type where I remeber semi consciouslly what I started out typing and what I just typed. If I wasn't using memory in typing the sentances I wouldnt know what I was typing or which word or letter should follow the next. This is semi conscious.
There is memory more associated with being human where one recalls an object or situation when it is not present and remembers.
There is a type of memory in constant use that when you look around the room, each and every object present actually stimulates memory, value and priority on every object that remains unconscious, on the verge of conscious should any object gain your attention.