Tue 11 Nov, 2003 06:47 pm
Apparently Larry Flynt has nude photos of Lynch and some guy being "friendly." Is anyone surprised?
Private Lynch's Privates!
Daaaaamn, so, she didn't sell them to Flynt? Why wouldn't I be surprised?
Whatever...everything surrounding Jessica Lynch is wrong. Hey, she was a cute, fit girl in the army, and I have met army girls before, and this sort of thing happens. I applaud Flynt for not publishing the photos, and I say shame on America for trying to make this poor girl into a heroine for 'American Pride'. That is the worst form of political opportunism I can think of.
I feel pretty strongly that that kid is an innocent bystander. I just hope she gets the $ she deserves for it. And, maybe she'll share it with the her fellow military men and women.
Larry Flynt has pictures of EVERYONE being "friendly". . . watch your back, bob :-)
I think we all need to remember that these are, for the most part, very young women and men who find themselves on the edge of death. Remarkable behaviors, good and bad, occur.
Joe Nation wrote:I think we all need to remember that these are, for the most part, very young women and men who find themselves on the edge of death. Remarkable behaviors, good and bad, occur.
I almost agree with you. I think you should amend this to:
these are very young folks encouraged to drink and party as much as humanly possible, therfore prone to stupidity. Drinking, drugging, and sleeping around are very much part of the lower enlisted lifestyle.
My uncle's a colonel, and he'd agree with you. . . the stories he tells of the trouble his guys get themselves into is just incredible. . .
It's telling that next to every base you find strip clubs and pawn shops. . . that one-night-a-week-free and living from one check to another lifestyle is bound to cause such problems. . .
princessash185 wrote:My uncle's a colonel, and he'd agree with you. . . the stories he tells of the trouble his guys get themselves into is just incredible. . .
It's telling that next to every base you find strip clubs and pawn shops. . . that one-night-a-week-free and living from one check to another lifestyle is bound to cause such problems. . .
And lets not forget that many of the employees of the twenty or so strip clubs in Pierce County were Army and Air Force wives!
Tehehe. . . but seriously, the plight of army wives is often overlooked. . . the army is a crappy lifestyle for many. . . don't get me wrong. . . some thrive on it, some love it, but I wouldn't choose it.
And I would certainly NOT reccomend it!
Well, that makes two of us :-)
Yeah, but hobitbob is a Muslim living in America, so like, how can he be trusted? I am sooo kidding...
I'm sure the photos were of the sort many couples take for their own use, then when they break up, one of them keps them and tells the other they had been destroyed (of course I always dstroyed incriminating photos, really...would I lie?). Whoever the ex was saw that she had become a public figure and probably figured he could make a quick buck or two, and sold them to Flynt. As repugnant as the man is, I believe him if he says he will not publish them, unlike Bob Guccione, or the guy in Seattle who owns "" and put the Pam and Tommy Lee vids up, and is now going to put up the Hilton tapes.
I'm going to speak as an old person now........ if you know someone between the ages of sixteen and twenty-five please call them and remind them that there is no such thing as privacy.
The generation which has taken piracy to new heights, (Why CAN'T I download three thousand songs for free, they're free aren't they?) Doesn't understand that the record of their life is also available for free.
Um. get a clue, folks.