@Rose phil,
A rebuttal to solipsism:
We humans aren't gods - we can't observe the universe to such a degree that we can discover 'truth'. But, we desire truth. How can we humans find that?
Through our perceptions. And what do your perceptions tell you?
Hearing: your hearing translates sounds that seem real. Your hear friends, music, birds, explosions e.t.c
Sight: Same principle.
Emotions: You worry that the world isn't 'real', but you also worry about that worry. I presume you still experience happiness, joy, humour e.t.c - which instinctually suggests a real world.
Thinking: Then, considering your perceptions, you come to a conclusion:
*My hearing, sight and most of my emotions tell me that the world is real.
After 10 years of thinking worrying thoughts, I believe you should see both a philosopher (contact a university), and a psychologist. Try to get them to liaise. You're not crazy (you're not convinced by your worries, after all). Many people think of such debates regularly (and more controversial things besides - check out a philosophy forum), but they have a sense of clarity. Clarity isn't forgetting your argument - it's about embracing it without fear but also with perspective.