God Says Mine Mine Mine All Mine Nyeh Nyeh Pbbbbtthhtt
Mark Morford
The Texas State Board of Education voted 11-4 last week to approve biology textbooks, despite criticism from twitchy screechy cute little slightly sociopathic and oddly smelly religious activists who say the books as written fail to present the "anti-evolution" point of view, isn't that just the cutest thing you've ever heard like, ever, a view which states that man is nothing more than, like, whimpering sinful guilt-addled bellybutton lint floating around the air ducts of reptilian spacecraft from the 4th dimension, or something, and that a big angry spittle-thick bearded God tossed a naked dumb frat guy in a garden a few thousand years ago and said "all done" and everything happened after that. Scientists argued, while trying valiantly not to roll their eyes too obviously nor shake their heads in deep embarrassed sighing sadness, that the theory of evolution is widely believed and is a cornerstone of modern scientific research, you freaking turpentine-sniffing pseudo-Christian morons, they probably added, internally, also not adding that those who believed in "non-evolution" were largely tooth-decayed dunderheads with stunted genitalia resulting from huffing too much spray paint.
The four on the Texas board who voted against the textbooks looked up suddenly when they heard this, blinking slowly and making suck-cheeked movements like a gasping fish, their mouths ringed in a nice teal blue from all the Krylon.