Thanks for your comments, and I'm eagerly awaiting you getting back to this. Congrats on the submission--maybe you could add some details about that in your profile. Are you near Asheville?
I think my question is much more philosophy than science, and Philosophy of Science probably has not integrated these two different philosophical perspectives (Being vs. Becoming) for any discussion yet. So we're left with the unacknowledged reality that the Becoming paradigm dominates science.
I am not concerned with whether there are actually two separate kinds of "time". My concern has to do with the separate
experiences of time, how they influence how you do research, and whether these two philosophies which influence temporal experience have influenced the philosophy of science in some distinct bifurcated way.
We have the reality of how a researcher (for example, Stern), sitting firmly in his Being philosophical perspective instead of simply bending to the research methods (and Becoming perspective) which have been handed down by "science authorities". Before him, people examined the mother-infant dyad for centuries, but until Stern in the 1960s filmed the dyad interacting and repeatedly examined the interaction sequence, slowing it down, as if under a microscope, they never saw how much was going on in a 2-3 second interval. The Being view is related to an expanded present moment where a LOT occurs, whereas for the Becoming view, it's barely a filmic frame passing from the future into the past.
Stern's observational research does not fit into any of the categories listed as Becoming. It's a different paradigm for research, a Being paradigm in a field dominated by the Becoming paradigm.
The early philosophers took their own phenomenology of time and acted as if it were ontology- or the reality of time.
My original question was: Does anyone have a definition of (or further information about) Becoming research versus Being research? Any information about these philosophical perspectives as they relate to Science and research? I want to discuss it further.