NeitherExtreme wrote:Ok, this feels like a long and poorly worded quesiton, but it's the best I could do.
First, I'm staring from the assumtion that much of today's society (western, post-modern) has agnostic phillosophy woven through out it's world-view. I (for the most part) would put myself in this category, and to date, I would say that agnosticism is the only phillosophy that I find %100 intellectually defendable (my current opinion, of course, and I do hold beliefs that are not agnostic).
Does having agnostic ideas as a part of the basic world-view (understanding) affect a persons, and society's as a whole,
ability and
desire to
believe or
think critically. By "believe" I mean to simply believe something because it seems true to that person (ie religion, stereotypes, etc.). By "think critically", I mean using logic and reason and applying it to the world around, both as you experience it and as you think about it.
You said a mouthful with that question.
Where I come from, any position is defendable in philosophy, Theism, Atheism, Agnosticism, etc. Those in submission to scientific authority are intolerant of this viewpoint, as are some of those in submission to GOD.
Your hypothesis is testable. Take one group of agnostics, and a group of atheists and another group of Faithful for comparison.
1. test a persons ability to "believe": I mean to simply believe something because it seems true to that person
Ask everyone: Do you believe the President/Monarch/Dictator of your nation is doing a good job?
Most people have a response, which tells you they believe something because it seems true to that person. Are you thinking the agnostics will say: We cannot truly be sure. ?
2. test a person's ability to "think critically": I mean using logic and reason and applying it to the world around.
Ask everyone to support their response to the above question. Score the response for logic and reason, or lack thereof. Do not let your own opinions get in the way.
Compare the Agnostics with the other 2 groups.
You might also want to assess level of agnosticism. For example, some agnostics have thought long and hard about it, and are Confirmed Agnostics. Others haven't, and simply arrived at the position by default.
How do you think the 2 types of agnostics will differ in outcome of the experiment? Why?