I think the confusion I created was not specifying the difference between semantics = definition and semantics = function. I am not talking about proper words found in a dictionary. I am talking about functional meaning. When a person pauses for "effect" the pause has meaning albeit implied meaning only interpreted properly by a native speaker. Why is there an inflectional morpheme (s) on the end of 3rd person verbs in english? (he jumps), why the S? Its simply to show that the verb is third person. Why is anger often expressed in a loud voice? It's a socio-linguistic function. Why is "He Jumped the Creek" different than "The Creek Jumped Him"? Syntax has functional meaning. Why are the words "Fat" and "Bat" different? Because the Phonemes "F" and "B" have a functional meaning difference.
What I am trying to get at with the Ultrasonic and other sounds proposed that may or may not bend light or crack rock, heck there is a Kiai Master in Japan that can ring a temple bell with his voice from 12 feet away, Is that if these frequencies whatnot were possible, they would be employed for a semantic function related to creating a meta-reality. That this functional meaning would be part of the language. The Light bending, rock cracking, and bell ringing would not be a part of language.
As for changing reality the light bending voice would not be changing reality, as its already a posited part of reality that light bends given its interaction with a certain wave length. That's like saying I hit a rock with a hammer and the cause and effect of the hammer hitting the rock and the rock breaking changed reality.
This effect of reality change would assume that the progression of moment to moment were part of a "real" world. That would mean that time would change reality because something is physically different in this world moment to moment already.
In all this I'm using the word reality more as the laws of the physical universe, not the actuality of the physical universe. If the constant change of the actuality of the physical universe is what is being discussed then by all means any language changes reality do to the physical properties of air movement and other physical constituents and processes of language.