Mon 31 May, 2010 09:30 am
Remember to mount your flags in front of your houses.
The Flag that I have mounted,
I bought on the 4th of July of 1984.
Mensa 's Annual Gathering was in Washington
and we had a boat trip along the Potomac River
to Mount Vernon, Va., where I bought an American Flag
at George Washington 's Estate. I flew it in his very bedroom
on the 4th of July. I also flew it in the Ronald Reagan White House,
in each HOuse of Congress, in the USSC, in the National Archives over the original Constitution of 1787
and over the Bill of Rights and over the Declaration of INdependence.
Indeed, I even flew that Flag in the very Museum of the National Rifle Association itself, all on the 4th of July of 1984.
I am proud of that Flag in front of my house.
Happy Memorial Day to you, too. I just came across a speech given by Jim Webb (back when he was a Republican) in Virginia. Here's an excerpt:
Quote:There are at least two lessons for us to take away from such a day of remembrance. The first is one our leaders should carry next to their breasts, and contemplate every time they face a crisis, however small, which puts our military at risk. it should echo in their consciences, from the power of a million graves. It is simply this: You hold our soldiers' lives in sacred trust.
The second lesson regards those who have taken such an oath, and who have honored the judgment of their leaders, often at great cost. Intellectual analyses of national policy are subject to constant re-evaluation by historians as the decades roll by, but duty is a constant, frozen in the context of the moment it was performed. Duty is action, taken after listening to one's leaders, and weighing risk and fear against the powerful draw of obligation to family, community, nation, and the unknown future.
One flag we unfurl inside my wifes studio from Memorial Day through labor day is a flag that caught a few rounds in Burma during WWII. I also have a British flag from the same campaign. These are two of the proudest pieces of historical memorabilia my dad left me.
Since we have an old farmhouse, we keep 2 3X% flags on slant poles over the front porch. Thiose I fly almost every day of the year (In the blizzards of 09/10, we took em down a few times and Ill have to order some new ones after this year.
Is the proper disposal of a flag still by burning? Its kinda weird that most US flags are made in China.
?????? Did you think that through ?
My wife and I were at the funeral of an employee several years ago and when we left the restaurant after the services we met one of my wifes "friends" in the parking lot. (This woman is one of those yentas that doesnt listen and is merely looking for you to finish your "hellos" so she can jump in with some ****)
She said hello
My wife said hello
She said where were you?
"We were at a funeral for my husbands employee who committed suicide" (said my wife)
NO **** , the woman then said
"Did you have a good time?"

A sad but true story...there are people like that....
Well I'm from Australia ... (I paused to provide you with a chance to sneer) ... so I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, but HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!!
So am is the equivalent of saying Happy Anzac Day...not really appropriate for an occasion of solemn remembrance.