Sat 29 May, 2010 10:28 am
I have owned an ice cream machine off and on (the first two eventually burned out) since around 1978 +/-.
Homemade ice cream, sorbets, granitas, etc., are wonderful things.
I have a small model, electrically powered, with two self-contained compartments that I keep in the freezer.
If you don't have one, consider buying one.
Recipes to follow:
Grapefruit-Ginger Sorbet
1 recipe simple syrup
2 to 2 1/2 C. freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
small piece of fresh ginger or 1/4 t. bottled ginger juice
Combine ingredients in a cup and add to machine, according to manufacturer's directions. Put finished sorbet into freezer dish, then allow to set for 4 hours to overnight.
I made the syrup by combining one cup sugar with one cup water in a small sauce pan and heating until the sugar dissolves.
The syrup must then be refrigerated overnight because it takes about 24 hours to cool.
This promises to be a fun thread...looking forward to some yummy recipes. We use ours in both Winter and Summer.
I use mine year round, too. Love coming up with new combos!
Duh! Forgot to say that you grate the ginger. I cut a very small piece, about 1/2" in diameter and grated less than 1/4t.
I hear this low tech ice cream maker is a hoot!

You kick it around and play with it like a soccer and while you play, the proto-ice cream is churning inside the ball chamber.
Can you make frozen yogurt with the ice cream makers?
We have an inexpensive Cuisinart maker and love homemade frozen yogurt. I get the Fage brand yogurt, but any kind works.
planning on some homemade frozen yogurt, kris? mmmmmmm, incidentally, when were you thinking of hosting another a2k dinner? i think we MIGHT be available for tastings, if you'd like some feedback.........just a gentle hint.........
That has an accidental morbid Freudian slip in that one.
Resentful mother to child: Come on sweetie ... kick the can! Go on ... kick the can!
LOL, tsar. Alton Brown says the very best homemade ice-cream ever is made with the maker that you have to hand-crank...the one that was invented by some housewife back in the 1800's or something. He was so convincing, I almost bought one. Then I regained my sanity LOL.
I've seen those and thought about getting one from granddaughters. I think kids would have fun with them. They must work because they've been around long enough to survive the initial novelty rush and are still available.
You can. Sorbet is good for the lactose intolerant because it is just fruit and sugar. In fact, if you have good lemonaide, like Trader Joe's or Whole Foods, you can just pour it right in the freezing container and turn the machine on.
You have the same one I have. I've never done yogurt myself. But I would think that it would be better than the store bought stuff.
Anyone ever freeze soy milk? I was wondering about making soy milk freeze or whatever it would be called.
I gave mine away as a wedding present for them. It was never used. I asked her if she could act. She said yes. So I told her when they open the wrap pretend to be surprised and not know it was an electric ice cream machine. Her husband is an ice cream lover loved it. He used to make his own ice cream too. She was very happy.
plainoldme wrote:Anyone ever freeze soy milk? I was wondering about making soy milk freeze or whatever it would be called.
I make a sugar-free soft serve type ice cream using coconut milk. I add a scoop of good tasting protein powder (I like Jay Robb; any flavor) and eat the whole thing, winter or summer. Really low carb, but filling.
I remember my uncle in the forties showing me how to make hand cranked ice cream on the back porch.. it was probably peach ice cream. I was only four but it's a vivid pictorial memory.
I once wanted a very expensive ice cream maker, but that's long been crossed off my expense list. Alternately, I keep meaning to try making sorbet the old fashioned way, opening the freezer and stirring the mixture every so often. Somehow I never get around to it.