@Region Philbis,
Region Philbis wrote:
Quote:BUT...I AM free to look for a better provider!!!
when you do, i hope you let rude ISP know you took your business to one of their competitors because they were rude and refused to help...
Like they'll give a ferk!
Over the time I have used them (since I got a computer) they have gone from being a helpful, almost literally neighbourhood, service (their head office was a little way up the road) to being a mega-company.
Thing is, since I have no idea whether the ISP COULD be involved in this frustrating situation, I don't really know if they are being unreasonable in refusing to do any more investigation at this point or not.
The rudeness of the staff member, as usual, started after the first few sentences, when they were unable to "get" my username even after I had spelled it out very slowly several times. I understand that this is embarrassing and annoying for them, but their English capacity isn't my fault, and I am very polite when I have to ask them to repeat things.
It gets to amazing levels sometimes, the rudeness I mean. One time, I had a woman from the Phillipines whose accent was truly incomprehensible to me.
I had to keep asking her to repeat things. I could tell she was getting very agitated, so I blamed it all on me...explaining that I am deaf (true) and begging her to speak more slowly. She just got faster and faster, and very rude, so I (still politely and blaming myself...I think these call factories must be killers to work in so I do have a lot of sympathy)...asked if I could try another technician, since we were both finding it very difficult.
She yelled at me and refused!!!!
I had taken so long to get this far, and I was worried I might just get her again if I hung up and rang again, so I didn't do anything, but it was pretty amazing!
I did wonder if she was too frightened to do as I asked because she feared the consequences for her? I cannot have been the only person who could not understand her.