Quote:Where in my argument do I explicitly exclaim screw the Africans, just worry about your own?
Explicitly, nowhere. It's implicit to your "outrage".
The AIDS virus has been dated to the Congo basin in the late 1920s. That's when it crossed from other apes to humans. Nobody in the "civilized" world worried about it until 50 years later when the virus hit San Francisco via a homosexual man, a Haitian illegal alien who had previously visited the Congo. He had stopped in Haiti prior to SF and spread it there as well but nobody cared until the virus hit the (male) homesexual community in the US. Or are you unaware of the great dying off in that community as well?
We're now 30 years down the line, nothing we've been telling the Africans to do works over there, so finally these people decide enough is enough and take matters into their own hands.
And you get "outraged" based on some prejudice of your own. Let them die off in order to support your agenda is your whole point. Might as well make it explicit, don't you think?