Sun 2 Nov, 2003 11:02 am
Saw that, Bi. Gives new meaning to that blind dude on Kung Fu. Ah, so, grasshopper.
Hi, BiP.
Hi, Glitter.
The chief locust has arrived.
and I saw a fourth rider....and written on his forehead was hell and death........
you'll like has rules and that takes some getting used to, but after a short period of adjustment you really enjoy it here......
Hi, Grottomaster, Fourth horsemen of the apocalypse, right?
Welcome to A2K.
Glitterbag is going to fit in nicely, but she is hardly new. That joined date is November of 2002.
Hey Grotto, when did you get promoted to locust? Congratulations. GB
Clearly those grasshoppers were male.
The locust sort of epitomizes how my neighbors view me. I'm always showing up at their doors:
"Got a cup of sugar?"
"Got an extra tomato?"
"You got a gallon of gas I can borrow?"
(Ha! Borrow! That's one of my favorite euphemisms.)
"I heard y'all went to the doctor and got some Oxycontin. My back hurts really bad and I'm fresh out."
etc., etc., and so on.
A giant hillbilly locust.