squinney wrote:I'll probably choose to just write to Viacom asking them to stop caving to terrorist threats that censor my viewership options and their freedom of speech. That will likely do more than drawing Muhammed, in my opinion.
There is no contest to see which will "do more" as the cable companies decision and the "Draw Muhammad day" decision have different objectives.
It is certainly a good idea to write the cable company and let them know your private dollars would prefer that the artist's work not be censored by reason of death threat; but this does nothing to alleviate the dangers faced by the artists themselves. Without broadening the potential target; the artists will be in even more danger if the de facto censured material is aired.
I can certainly understand your desire to be respectful of the vast majority of Muslims who are not terrorists, just as I'm sure you'd also desire to be respectful of black Americans by denying the KKK the right to voice their putrid hatred. But alas, that protection cannot extend so far as to deny the KKK it's right exist, to gather, to demonstrate, or to speak. These are fundamental, inalienable constitutional rights, granted by the creator according to our founding fathers, and the right to these freedoms transends any thoughts of niceties.
To believe otherwise is to believe that unpopular speech is unworthy of protection; but whose value set will we base that on? Christian values? Muslim values? Atheist values? Or should we go on believing as we have for centuries that each of these entities right to swing their fists ends at the next guy's nose? Each has the right to say whatever they wish about whatever they wish; but none have the right to silence the speech of others. And make no mistake; de facto censorship is precisely what we're talking about here, and it's already taken place.
The decisions that remain are really this simple: Am I or am I not okay with Sharia Law being super-imposed over the Bill of Rights by way of death threat? And am I willing to risk standing up for my constitutional rights in the face of these threats? I'm no expert; but from what I've read and seen of Sharia Law, I want it to get no foothold in my country whatsoever. Neither do you.
P.s. I know what Patrick Henry would say.