@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:
You could triple the economy of Haiti with what we are going to spend on our next aircraft carrier, but Americans complain about some Mexican getting a couple of bucks an hour out of our economy? Americans need perspective. We spend more money than the whole economy of Haiti on a boat to boost military superiority that is already completely dominant but complain about a guy making an honest buck out of our economy. That. Is. Not. Toward.
But we elected a president in 2008 who was going to reduce military spending (bring our boys home from war within six months!) and make many other drastic changes in relationships around the world (especially our so-called enemies) just so we wouldn't really
need to fight wars. We would just all work together to bring about changes that could eliminate poverty across the world, improve education, bring jobs here, take jobs there.
Robert Gentel, while I think these are all noble words that you say, you have to be a little concerned about someone, some town, some country, who feels the world's problems are balanced on its/their shoulders. Isn't it more that each person as an individual be concerned about his/her family, friends and neighbors, that each town is concerned about its residents, and that each country be concerned about its citizens? Isn't it more important that each person or entity acts in a manner that would indicate care and responsibility for those without proper food, clothing, housing, jobs? Worrying about the entire world could drive any one individual a little crazy.
I've always had a job, I buy the food I eat, clothes I wear, my home. I also volunteer to assist those who don't have jobs and can't buy these things for themselves and their families. I donate cash to my church who assists these same people, and I also donate to The Humane Society because animals in this world have no other organizations to see they have a home and food to eat.
In other words, I do what I can. People like George Soros and Oprah donate entire buildings or schools to the poor of this world, and they also donate millions to people in America who are in need of not just food but costly operations, trips to see long-lost relatives, whatever the need. There's no limit to the number of people who give, give. And, the more they give the more money they make, they more they give to others. The more you give, the more comes back to you - pushed down and running over - if the giver doesn't try to control people they "help."
I agree with all of what you say. But, you need only do your share, encourage others to do their share. I do honestly think that the 1st world countries know the extent of their wealth, and share much with countries in trouble. I think most individuals share whatever wealth they may acquire.
We (the entire world?) are going through an extremely difficult time, and how we emerge from it will prove just what humanity is made of. But, I will always think we are, always have been, going forward -- never backwards. History proves that. Life is pointing out to us exactly where we should make changes! It's coming at us from so many directions that it makes one dizzy.
I also think Obama is learning, relearning. Not an easy task for him, or any leader of any country.