DrewDad wrote:Er.... WTF?
OK, joking aside:
for centuries, spelling has been rong, in failing to conform to sound reasoning.
It atavistically preserves throwbacks to the more Germanic origins of English in pre-Chaucerian times.
Written spelling shoud bear full fidelity to the oral sound,
with possilble variations qua homonyms to indicate which definition is intended.
Silent letters that serve as pronunciation guides r also logically acceptable,
e.g. the last letter in Rome.
It is an attack against logic to add the letters
UGH to the word tho.
It is simply
stupid, and devoid of rewarding purpose to persist in that misconduct.
It is ineffably idiotic to insert any
Ls into the words woud, coud or shoud.
No good comes from doing
It makes
no sense to spell the word enuf as "enough".
This has got to stop; it
WILL stop, especially with texting now,
but I like to help stupidity into the trash can as soon as possible.
Children shoud not be misinformed as to the correct spelling of words.
The Spanish shoud not have a conceded monopoly on logical spelling.
For too many decades, I was complicit in mindlessly perpetuating
the erroneous paradime of spelling; I was guiltstruck.
I am now atoning for my earlier (conventional) errors of spelling.
I plead guilty to my failure to be fully consistent
in my fonetic spelling, but its better than nothing; its better than doing it the
old way.