My 'win' is having a whole body, a healthy life, a happy family and good friends.
My win is using knowledge.
My win is GAINING knowledge.
My win isnt fighting when it isnt necessary.
I remember when I first started listening to that clown AJ. I can call him AJ. I know him. Hes a clown.
When I first started listening though I would get SO worked up. SO pissed off. SO stressed SO anxious. And I was pissed. Just ******* furious.
How in the world could Merc, Lilly and other drug comanies get AWAY with making the very chemicals that are creating all of these illnesses... be ALLOWED to ad them to our food, THEN sell us the so called cure right out in the open?
How in the WORLD was this nations "rulers" allowed to strip mine people so to speak, for oil. How were they allowing child labor? Allowing children to be cut open because they may be hiding dimonds from mines? And yes, I am very aware that those things are just the tip of the iceburg. I know this.
But you know what else I know?
That my energy is best spent fighting battles i can actually make a difference at.
I can NOT get up right now, go to africa and change the way diamonds are mined. I can not change the mindset of those people who think it is ok so forceably shove their hands in peoples anus searching for 'hiddendiamonds'. I can not change americas sad obsession with stupid clear rocks that fuels a large part of that need for mining those stones.
I cant.
So....... why sit in the anger and the frustration of that? That is only torturning MYSELF.
Im not saying ignore it, but to create that anger, that anxiety, that hate and just keep that in the forefront of your mind for somethig you can not change is putting it into your own world. Why do that? Thats just like breaking your own leg.
I have control over what I put in my body.
I have control over my family and I can teach and help my friends. Right there is a bigger wave of actual HAPPENINGS created by me then just sitting on my ass screaming pissed about something in africa.
I dont buy diamonds. I think they are stupid.
It angers me on a certain level too when I hear tv ads say that they are a 'womans best friend', and I see time and time again that we are programmed by commercials, print ads and stereo quotes of how they are a sign of love and a requirement to life. This is totally not true.
They are little clear stones, yet ad bombardment makes people believe other wise. THey judge their love based on a ring. They prove their homelife based on an engagement ring. And they believe this with every fiber of their being because they have been told to time and time and time again since they were born. Women are not stupid enough to think a little clear stone is that important. BUt with the current programming , they do.
These things ... again.. I have no control over, but I will do what I can which is not buy them. Not buy them for decoration on my body. I dont need that. I have a brain and my life isnt gaugaged by what could be a piece of glass.
The way I choose to react to that situation, the way I choose to think, the things I choose to buy I am teaching my own daughter, I am showing my friends, i am explaining to other people and THAT will make a difference.
yelling about it will not.
I am part of a change. A realistic one.
The change HAS to start with YOU.... not a public. People dont follow what they dont see. If you dont provide the "see" then you wont get the "follow".
You have to pick and choose your battles. LIving in anger isnt productive . In fact it is counter productive because no one listens
Look at AJ.
Yes, he is off his ******* rocker. A lot of what he says is just out right bullshit, but his real gems? His real information? The concrete things he has to offer? People rarely listen to anymore. Why? Because he is one angry nutcase. Thats not what people are comfortable with.
Why do you think that joker Micheal Moore is SO popular? And HIS movies are shown in theaters when he is saying almost parallel what AJ is saying?
Because he isnt angry. He isnt hateful. He speaks to so people can listen. He DOES what he shows. People can follow.
Be angry. Sure. But your presentation effects your capable outcome. And if you are projecting something that makes many uncomfortable no one will listen. Then you have just wasted your entire life.