This kinda looks like fun...

Indian heir to the Swaminarayan Temple, Lalji Maharaj Shri Vrajendraprasdaji Maharaj (Top,R) celebrates the 'Holi' festival of Colours with devotees at Swaminarayan Temple in Kalupur, Ahmedabad on March 19, 2011. The 'Holi' festival of colours is celebrated throughout India to mark the coming of spring, with people going out on the streets and daub coloured powder to anyone.

Indian women and children arrange natural ingredients to prepare eco-friendly 'herbal colours' in Ahmedabad on March 20, 2011 for 'Holi' festival. The ingredients include saffron coloured flowers, tomatoes, rose petals, turmeric powder, eggs, black grapes, beet-root, papaya fruit and mint leaves for the Hindu festival of colours 'Holi'. The 'Holi' festival of colours marks the onset of spring across the country. Getty images.