Thu 10 Oct, 2002 10:59 am
What's the fascination with crocodiles and snakes, by the way?
Taz.....What about Wilso?
I prefer him!!!!!
Good thing I say
what I mean and mean what I say, huh?
My favorite Aussie
is... Dunno!!! Dab rocks but I can't tell her that!
Hey! Wait a minute!
Whaddya mean you're tellin?! I thought you were my bud, my friend, my compadre, mi amigo.....Awwwww man.....
I got
nuthin. Nuthin.
Slirp.....hiccup.....hey now! How you doin?
He he, what are
friends for?
I'm fine. I just woke up after a long nap and have got a few beers under my belt and am now
contemplating whether I go out for the night or stay home.
Of course you're
going to go out and leave me here all by myself. Ho hum. I should know better by now.
Yes - who made up
the creatures for that poll? What about all the other Australian actors? Are koalas actors?
I am telling too Rae!
Now....who is it exactly that I am gonna tell....thinking deeply.......
Craven - you are sweet - when you are not
being the devil!
My favourite is Cate Blanchett - and Judy Davis btw.
Poor jes,
takes the heat for helping me out.
Look people, she made a bunch of polls in a huge hurry because I needed polls in
many categories to test code. And now she's getting flak for not having enough options and such.
And Deb, I'm ALWAYS
sweet! Who says satan can't be a lovable fella?
Quote:B]What about the Pig Footed Bandicoot???[/B]
Marsupials count?
Just because none have been seen since the 50's we think we can forget them
I am not
to sure tough how good they were at acting.
What's a gal to do?.....with so many tattle-tales around? :wink:
Love ya.....mean it!!!!!
Tell me something about Australia???????
It's where the world's wittiest, most beautiful people live!
Case in point!! (Hi there!)
Barring new evidence, you're probably right, Margo.
Hey Margo! Long time, no see. Missed you much.