Quote:NEW BERLIN, WIS. -- Census forms started arriving in southeast Wisconsin Monday afternoon.
However, dozens of residents have called Channel 12, confused by the addresses listed on the forms.
Many have said while the street address and ZIP code are correct, the city listing is wrong. For example: people who live in Brown Deer and St. Francis are getting forms that say Milwaukee.
The mayor of New Berlin, Jack Chiovatero, just got his census form, addressed to Waukesha. "I'll tell ya, our residents are very upset about this, and they're questioning whether they're even going to send it. We're afraid they might throw it out," Chiovatero said.
Census official Muriel Jackson told 12 News the mailings are not a mistake, but a cost-saving measure. "It has to do with the way the post office delivers mail to your home," Jackson said.
Jackson said a bar code on every form will automatically credit people to their correct city.
I suppose the citizens never suspected that the US Government would be so willing to dismiss the community to which they belong. I cant decide if this is a good news story or not,
I think if they thought about it a while they ought to be okay with it.
Me too and I cannot see how this simple form could be a government plot.
I got mine and thought it would be pages of info they wanted but they just wanted how many peeps live in the house and the mortgage question...yes I will gladly let them know I am still

paying a mortgage, I don't own yet, so get this economy going because I am so close to paying off my house.
Just for fun:
Where were you in the years of the Census?
1950: Manchester, Ct
1960: Manchester, Ct
1970: San Angelo, Texas, Goodfellow AFB
1980: Tulsa, Ok
1990: Tulsa, Ok
2000: New York City
2010: New York City
Joe(Pretty boring info, I'd say.)Nation
@Joe Nation,
1970: King of Prussia, PA
1980: Centerport, NY (although in college in Boston)
1990: Mineola, NY
2000: Brighton, MA
2010: Brighton, MA
1980 - Portland, OR (I was 5 months old)
1990 - Seattle, WA
2000 - Phoenix, AZ
2010 - Chicago IL
@Joe Nation,
1950: East Boston MA
1960: East Boston MA
1970: Marrero LA
1980: Malden MA
1990: Stoneham MA
2000: Stoneham MA
2010: Stoneham MA
You want boring, I'll give you boring
1970: Wichita, Ks
1980: Wichita, Ks
1990: Grandview, Mo
2000: Crown Point, In
2010: Boofoo, Ks
@Joe Nation,
1970: Konstanz, Germany
1980: Hannover, Germany,
1990: Munich, Germany,
2000: Munich, Germany,
2010: Metuchen, New Jersey, USA.
1970: Rockford Il
1980: Rockford Il
1990: Munich Germany
2000: Fort Huachuca Az
2010: Olympia Wa
1950: New York City (da Bronx), NY
1960: Los Angeles, CA (WLA)
1970: Los Angeles, CA (WLA)
1980: Los Angeles, CA (Venice)
1990: Los Angeles, CA (Venice)
2000: Eureka, CA
2010: Albuquerque, NM
1950: Fresno, CA
1960: Corpus Christi, TX
1970: Rockport, TX
1980: Houston, TX
1990: Tomball, TX
2000: Tomball, TX
2010: Tomball, TX
I saw a statistic somewhere once that something like 50% of people never live outside the state they went to high school in. And something like 30% never even visit another state.
That's interesting, M, I still think we move around more than our recent ancestors did in the 1800s. I was saying to some other people that, at least in my genealogy group of 5,000 plus, once a person made what I call their big move (meaning away from their hometown), they pretty much stayed put. In other words, people who moved from Virginia to Missouri stayed in Missouri for the rest of their lives. Same with cross Atlantic moves. Move from France to New York? Stay in New York the next fifty years. Ireland to Massachusetts? Stay in the same HOUSE for the next fifty years.
The exceptions, and there are a few, all come after one or more of a person's children make their big move. Then the person moves again to be closer to the kids.
I wonder what the genealogists of the year 3000 will think of us gadabouts.
Joe(and the census year doesn't reveal how many moves were in between.... .)Nation
1960 - Oklahoma City, OK
1970 - Oklahoma City, OK
1980 - Tulsa, OK
1990 - Tulsa, OK
2000 - Tulsa, OK
2010 - Tulsa, OK
(Agreeing with Joe...interesting, but incomplete because it doesn't show the places you lived between census years.)
Rockhead wrote:
1970: Wichita, Ks
1980: Wichita, Ks
1990: Grandview, Mo
2000: Crown Point, In
2010: Boofoo, Ks
I have several friends who went to school in Cedar Lake.
Long time ago.
Eva wrote:
. . . (Agreeing with Joe...interesting, but incomplete because it doesn't show the places you lived between census years.)
True. Between '60 and '70 I lived in five different states.
mostly my stuff lived there while I traveled.
come to think of it, some of my stuff still lives there...