I don't believe everything I read. Could it be that some white folks are able to pass as non-white, and therefore the statistics are not correct? I've heard of entire families splitting up because the darker side of the family decided to relocate and just meld in with the non-white community.
Can one imagine, when in the future a child is born from these machinations today, and the family wonders how such a white child could be born into a non-white family? And, then family members realize that so and so really was very secretive about his/her past. Oh, the shame of having white ancestors!
While the above was written for humorous effect, the future might be strange in that one day everyone will have a DNA test prior to marriage. But, as far as noticing that more whites are dying, or whatever, the reality is that "white" is an artificial construct, as much as "Black" is, so this type of news is just plum silly, in my opinion, and may only be of interest to those that live in a part of the country where Black and white are the basic dichotomies in the demographics, as opposed to northern urban living where many people are a rainbow of DNA (even though a specific community might want their vote, so to speak).