ehBeth, I like your pink door, because I just love "doors." Here's one of mine.
Wow, what great pictures and warm, furry friendliness. Like Osso, I don't tend to stay in the group for long periods of time, but I still love all of you just as much.
off to find a special hug for the lad
ehBeth wrote:Hey! my fav hugger!
who doesn't like a bear hug?
I want a hug as well - feeling a bit under the weather...
queue up.
I love you guys/girls !!!!!
I know I already gave hugs w/ the whole family tree thing above (and over) but here we are again, and I've just GOTTA express it to you all.
and we love ya back baby.....
Goin' off to have dinner with me Mommy tonight... she needs a hug.
Man, this thread must be making Craven puke today!
I've got hugs for everyone who needs one.
Line forms to the left.....(((((( ))))))
If you guys really want a "group hug," come to the San Francisco A2K Gathering from April 9 through 12. Just let us know the dates you'll be here, hotel, and your interests. c.i.
Feel the love people, it is all around
Love it, Timber! That is one great photograph.