Phoenix, you're a brave soul!
I'll second that Phoenix ((((Hug))))!
Nice to revisit this thread from time to time. Hugs are good.
(owie owie owie owie - talons!!!)
Well you have to admit A2k is good for hugs and has as it's membership lots of great huggers, no make that the champion of the world's huggers.
Talons, yikes I forgot that part.
... ooops ... sorry ... gotta remember to sheathe them whern I come in off the Heavy Lifting threads.
Won't happen again, I promise :wink:
You deserve hugs with or without talons, timber.
P.S. Dear Mrs. Timber, I'm not flirting with your hubby, but he's one of the exceptionally good guys on A2K.
Wow ... thanks, Chatoyant. There are folks here with a slightly different appraisal of my qualities, I'm sure ... :wink:
(Er..... I think I WAS flirting - but Timber is quite safe - I flirt with EVERYONE!)
I sure'n sunshine don't wanta provoke the bunny ... whether'r not I got any learnin', I ain't stupid! :wink:
Did someone say flirting?
Deb is flirting again, hmmmm.
Oh... I'm not here often enough... Flirt with me! Flirt with me!