Heh, I see that it is already in the general forum. How about this... change the title of this thread so it invites people to the thread to include their own data.
Better yet, someone might nicely ask the ogre in charge if he'd mind including a field in our profiles that asks for our birth day and month when he implements ver. 2.0 of A2K.
... I hate it when my posts stutter and duplicate
For the record:
Craven wrote:
Quote:Please do not send me unsolicited PMs. Members who do mass PMs will have the ability to use that feature removed.
Yes, that first word is please. The rest of it is obtuse, and I replied I didn't HAVE the ability to use such a feature. What else is there to say?
Butterfly's suggestion is the first constructive thing I've read in an hour and I am thankful for it.
Craven: you can be sure that I will not be sending any PMs to anyone in the future. Have a nice life.
The "ogre" in charge already has spent 30 hours on that feature and it will be implemeted in a release in the future (not 2.0).
I wish you'd stop quoting my messages here. It was quite clear and it said "please" your resposes were rude, and you call me names here. Don't expect me to be happy about it. You have gone out of your way to be a pain and my request was a simple one. Please do not send unsolicited PMs to people who do not want them.
It was a pretty simple request and was politely phrased. You proceeded to be rude and bring the issue here to this thread.
If it were me, I'd of said that 6 posts ago and avoided all the bitterness generated by folks needing to be right.
On the matter of birthdays, mine is in very late October. I am not too keen to be part of an astrological chart, although I have heard from another source that in a southern chart, I am a butterbean. Besides, don't you need the hours for a true astrological fix? I remember a guy at work, whatta lech - I was born at 8 pm and he was born at nine pm, same day, same year. Man oh man, were we different people, she says smiling.
Osso, I am Oct. 26th, and it's a good sign, that Scorpio. We're good people, just don't cross us:)
Butrflynet - your avatar is filling me with angst, charming as it is!
Surely that poor woman is about to expire from her bootless, eternal, effort!
I dunno Deb. She looks well shod to me.