Well, this is a trifle idiotic isn't it? I sent nine PM's, (I stand by that, I just recounted the ones in my outbox. I think Craven is counting some friendly replies as more than the nine.) each was done one at a time, (I don't know if there is a way to PM everybody, and wouldn't do that if there was,) five of them were to people I
do know and four, I admit were to strangers asking for them to volunteer their birthmonth to this thread and that's all
this crap falls from the sky onto my head.
So I am not going to tread on the dangerous ground of birthmonths anymore, I'm sticking to Iran, Iraq and the USA, Gay rights, Media issues and little known limericks.
At least there, I have freedom of speech.
BTW: my PM function, can you believe it, has been frozen.
I'm not embarassed, but someone sure should be.