Okay, SealPoet.
So I carve out February - exactly between Sidney Poitier and George Washington :wink:
Hey guys. I'm January 30th.
Haven't had much time to play in either Abuzz or Able2Know.
Thanks for thinking of me, Jes!
Who else are October babies here ?
Or, just as I thought, I am unique ?
Hey there, Senor Spaz! :-D
That didn't take as long as I thought it would and I only had to edit my list once.
I NEED MORE BIRTHDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm joinin' that big crowd in December.
Okay, the nice birthday lady asked for more birthdays hours and hours ago. Is there a problem? Am I stuttering?
Rae, Include me with JD and Phoenix. I like that company!

Rae, you're too freakin' organized, there's something wrong with that!
No Gautam, I'm in there with you, October 26th, a delightful Scorpio, yah!
Hey! I resemble that remark!
The nice birthday lady is back.
Why is it that we have 2725 members, and I only have 37 birthdays on my fabulous excel spreadsheet?
Put me down as an April.
Will there be cake?
Cake, lobster, drinks, dancing girls.....whatever you want Joe Nation!
Thank you for stopping me from slitting my wrists.
Now, if the rest of the gang would stop by, I MAY not go postal.