P & L
I'm a Gemini
I don't really believe in Astrology...and yet...People who know me say the Gemini description fits me perfectly.....maybe it's a coincidence.

May...I'm a Gemini, too (both of me!)
I am an October lad - a libran. Can never make up my mind abt anything as a result ....
Well, I'm born in February (early pisces - which fits quite well, since my second birthday is in early February [stopped dinking = aquarius]).
I am August! And a true Leo - if such there be....
I believe I make it three for the month of November
And you're in excellent company pueo!
I've always had the feeling I'm a month or so older than you, smiley.
Spawned in October, I like librarians.
I love the idea..... and the charts would
be so fun! Born in April,
I am an ARIES, the ram -
forever butting my head into
immoveable objects.
( And, like my friend Walter
I have an AA birthday also,
that one is in September1975)
D, I would think a least a month
Don't do the horoscope thing, but I would be a Scorpio
In September it seems, I'm all alone
Perhaps I'll get a Virgo clone?
And we might even share a date
from the calendar - I've already got a mate!
Hey Babs, I'm with you. We may always be butting our heads against those immovable objects, but don't forget we bring all those flowers that bloom in May.
The leaves of brown
Come tumbling down
In September - - -
Thanks, Piffy!!
Hi, Rae! Yep,November R me too. But I share Sagittarius with Piffka,and my daughter the Christmas Carol.And maybe you too? I think so!When does Capricorn start? Dec 36, I think?
So--if you're doing months, it's November, but if astrogical signs, then the Heavenly Archer.
P&L-I used to do charts too!My Sagittarious is watered down by moon in Pisces,and Cancer ascending.(Fire& water--verra schitzy!Fortunately most of my other planets are in grounding Taurus.)
Ummmmm. Ya.
Make that December 26!
Ummm.....yeah. I was starting to worry Joan!
Yep, I'm on the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn. I think I have more Sagittarius qualities.
Come on guys! We need more birthdays! I only have twenty-three members so far!!!
March 31, I'm an Aries and yes, I do believe in astrology...