Not elbows just elbow. One of my elbows gets really dry and lotion doesn't really work, i keep lotion on it (even file it down with a little emery board sometimes) but it just keeps getting ashy. It is usually always covered too. Don't understand it.
You leaning on it much? Propping that chin up with it? Aquaphor is amazing's not a cream it's an ointment. Kind of greasy at first...but it soaks in and seems to stay.
It's not that unusual for one elbow to get all cracked and dry while the other stays fairly normal. I suggest you take an old pair of socks and cut out the toe of one of the socks. Before going to bed rub a good amount of olive oil or shea butter onto the dry elbow, then put on the sock pulling it up to cover the elbow. Go to sleep. You should wake up with a much improved elbow. Repeat once a weak or so.
I should do this m'self -- I've got similar issues but it's bilateral. Thanks!
0 Replies
Wed 3 Mar, 2010 01:29 pm
My left elbow is dryer than the other and it is the one I use to prop my chin up sometimes. I have often wondered if that was the reason. But the aquafor works well. But - I think Green Witch's suggestion is don't have to go out and buy anything.
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Wed 3 Mar, 2010 03:02 pm
Bag Balm it.
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Mon 15 Apr, 2019 01:09 am
Dab on some petroleum jelly and put a sock on it.
Grease 'em up with Zam-Buk.
Apply Vaseline and then.
take a shower.
Rub a banana peel onto your elbows.
Switch out your usual lotion for an emollient cream.