The letter is m.
The total letters are i, e, e, a, s, n, n, u, r and m.
Clue: needles
Good job Rose! I think you've got it.
OK, as I consider starting a new interaction, its time to review the changes.
*Drop the two guesses and leave it open.
*Start off with a group of letters.
*Include one or more clues.
Should I continue using this interaction; remember, it does not follow the initial guidelines?
Or should I start over with a new interaction?
Maybe it would be easier for new people to join in if you start a new thread. Alternatively, you can edit your first post and change the guidelines. Whichever makes sense to you. Thanks for the fun game!
I'm with mac11, Mapleleaf. Whatever you wish to do. Maybe we don't need more than two guesses, anyway--- unless you start searching for member names that are totally similar.
Really, it is fun and challenging however you plan to present it.
So, Mapleleaf, will it be this weekend? I will be gone.
Catch you next week.
I'm going to sit (set?) on it awhile; right now, I'm not motivated to continue.
No problem, ML - but I hope you're doing okay...
Actually, I'm better than the average bear. Since I have become more physically active, I enjoy the hands-on projects around the house. Spending a lot of time on A2K, just isn't as satisfying...I'd rather be planting bulbs or building something.
G'day Mapleleaf
Your health improvement is our loss!!!! Waaaahhhh!
I'm glad to see you're feeling better, though!
O---Kay, Mapleleaf.
I never read but your game here anyway.
I hope you just keep getting better.