@random jacqui,
random jacqui wrote:
i was told i had swine flu online on pandemic site and given a code for tamiflu but that was last tueday night and its now wednesday the wk after and i still got a bad chest like asthma and a sore throat and in still very tired and what to sleep alot ...but am i still infectous ...also is it taking longer because i have had lyphnodes taken out as they dont drain very well ....and should i get a doctor to check me out as its gone on so long.
It sounds like you tried to diagnose yourself
and medicate yourself with an online
pandemic site (whatever that supposed to be)?! And you're wondering why you're still sick?! That just might eventually earn you a Darwin Award if you keep following the medical advice from an unknown website instead of an actual doctor with a proven medical degree and license to practice medicine legally in your respective country. For all you know, you misdiagnosed your illness and may have something worse or may have something less then the swine flu.
Did you foolishly buy some
alleged tamiflu medicine from this online source? If so, you probably just got phished. Good luck with that and go see a doctor while you're at it.