The perspective I suggest is relative to your own contemplation of mortality. The mental"device" is to kill off "self"
now by recognizing, as you are already doing, the illusion of its aspirations. From this should follow doubt of its
independent existence. By this I imply a buddhist line that "self" is (merely) a function of its "attachments".
Now if you can take that on board as a working hypothesis, the next move bearing in mind your training in physics might be to switch the modus of "existence" from "things" to "fields" in tune with the paradigm shift which took place in the 20th. century. (There is an excellent "history of science" set of podcasts from Berkeley on this topic if you are interested.). Thus "selves" like "electrons" etc have no existence
per se... they are
nodes in a semantic/communicative field.
The plus point in this analysis is that "mortality" becomes psychologically sidelined. But this "transcendence" comes at the price of rejecting the naive realism in which that illusory self has a vested interest. In short, the way out of Wittgenstein's "bottle" lies in deconstructing the "self" which cannot pass through a barrier of its own making.