Eva wrote:
Seriously, Boomer?
I mean, we've all known a lot of girls who SAID they didn't care about jewelry, but they didn't really mean it. They just didn't want to look greedy, or they wanted to take the pressure off the guy. And some said that because they wanted to be seen as anti-traditional. But all of them would have done back flips if a good diamond ring was actually offered!
But I believe you if you say you really mean it. I guess I just don't understand how someone could leave something that beautiful sitting in a box instead of wearing it and enjoying looking at it every day.
I'm another one who doesn't care about jewelry, 99.9% of the time.
It would literally make me sick to think I've got all these (to me) "worthless" stones and metals sitting in a box, when the hard earned money they cost could have been used more constructively.
For years, my husband would give me relatively inexpensive pieces of jewelry that I hated. I could not for the life of me figure out why he kept doing that, as I would put it on the day he gave it to me, and never put it on again. It took me a long time to realize that he assumed all women wanted jewelry to be given to them.
One time, apropos of nothing he asked me "do you like turquiose?" I was in the middle of doing something, and thought he meant the color. In fact I never particularly liked that color. Before just saying no (which I should have) I thought to myself "well, turquisose is okay if it's a small accent color", so stupidly I said to him "yeah, it's okay"
My birthday was a month or so later. We were still newly married where, to me at least, there was that newly married sense of excitement when you were handed a gift box.
The gift was what I considered these gawd-awful turquiose southwest style earrings and I think a matching pendant.
They were so far away from anything I ever would have considered owning, or even wanting to have, that I truly didn't realize this was my birthday gift. I dunno, I felt no more about it at that moment than if we just sat down to dinner, and he handed me a napkin.
So, I sat there, with this expectant feeling, because I sensed this was the time he had chosen to give me my birthday present. So I kept waiting for him to hand me my gift, with a "Happy Birthday Darling" He was talking about where he had bought the turquiose, and how he had to make up his mind between this and another, and it sloooooowly dawned on me that this HAD been my gift. I remember this feeling of "what? huh? why?", and I just said to him "well, there're very pretty. I better get ready for work now."
That happened several more times over the next few years, until we were at a point in married life where I could have one of those Come to Jesus talks with him.
One Christmas I had walked straight up to him, handed him a flyer from a store, pointed at something (not jewelry) and said "If you haven't gone x-mas shopping already, this is what I'd really like to have. Here's the store where they're selling it, here's the serial number of the one I'd like, and it's on sale this week."
I was so gosh darn pleased with myself for being so upfront about it. I congratulated myself on growing past the idea that gifts are supposed to be a surprised.
That Christmas, he gave me a box that suspiciously didn't look like he could contain what I had said I really wanted. Ever the optimist

I figured he'd gotten me 2 gifts.
I opened the box, and inside was a pearl necklace. Not expensive ones, you could tell they were middle of the road moderately priced. I thought to myself "WTF?" and tried not to say that. Again, I waited for the real gift to come out, at the same time thinking that I wish I had the hundred bucks or so that these must have cost. Again, I realized that this was it.
So, being at that stage of marriage, I asked him "what about the whatever was I asked for?
Who knows what the answer was, it wasn't in stock, he thought I'd like this better, etc.
I asked him why pearls, and things started to become clear to me. Apparantly we'd been watching some nature show months back about pearls. At some point I had said "wow, pearls are really pretty"
Lesson learned, never mention that something is pretty unless you want it.
Well, I'll be honest, we did end up having a big fight about it that day. That's when I asked him if he ever noticed that he'd never seen me wearing any jewelry he'd ever given me, and that frankly, I didn't even know where any of it was. Still don't.
Fast forward 15 years. That would be a year ago. Now we're financially stable. I decided I wanted a diamond and blue saphire ring. I found the one I wanted. Went to the store and tried it on. I went home, handed him a picture of it off the internet, and the card of the salesman to ask for at that store, and when he would be working.
That's a ring I wear 3 or 4 days a week.
That said, if I had to sell that ring to provide medical care for one of my pets, it'd be gone in a heartbeat.