while this is true, the osmotic pressure become equalized and then chem diffusion takes over and equalizes the salt content inside and outside the bird. Its a two part process. HOPLD ON!!
My orgasmic chemist partner states that the osmosis part is responsible for the drawing out of moisture from the bird and then the diffusion draws salt back in. BUT, then the salts break down the proteins which cause the bird to be higher in the solvent (water) which cause the osmosis to go the other way. HOL:Y ****!! its actually a small lab experiment. I suggest we get some salt, some water an two dyes, all measured out and we inject the turkey with one dye, put the other in the water to which salt has been added to a known vol of water. Then we let it go for a day and measure the concentrations of salt, dyes and the other dye in both the turkey and the water. We do this several times an, measuring the aliquots of the substances, we forget about the whole thing and by then itll be Thanksgiving.
Who the hell cares says I