I don't mess around, boy - Ricky Nelson
Elvis has left the building.
Go ahead, make my day!
Up your nose with a rubber hose !
Well, isn't THAT special!
"I'll think about it tomorrow"- Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind".
"What a dump"- Bette Davis in "Beyond the Forest"- Exaggerated by Elizabeth Taylor in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolff".
"Hey kids, what time is it?"- Buffalo Bob in "Howdy Doody".
Plunk your magic twanger Froggeeee.
You will answer to Coca Cola for this - Dr Strangelove
Mein Führer! I can walk!
When you call me that, smile - The Virginian
Eat my shorts.
- really big shoe.
McGee; don't open that closet!
I'm 39.
You're trying to seduce me, Mrs Robinson - Aren't you?
That's Catch 22.
"And that's the way it is." Walter Cronkite
"A little traveling music, Ray." Jackie Gleason
"One ringie dingie." Lily Tomlin as the phone lady on Laugh In.
"Woof, woof, arf." Lassie (Translation: Timmy's in the well.)
Sportsmen's Quartet reply to Jack Benny: Hmmmmmmm.
Good night Chet. Good night David.
My name - Jose Jimenez.
Goober: Judy Judy Judy.
Good night, Mrs Calabash, wherever you are.
Say the secret woid and divide a hundred dollars.
Tell 'em Groucho sent you.
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
That's my dog, Tige. He lives in a shoe. My name is Buster Brown; look for me in there, too.
goodnight mrs calabash, wherever you are.
"I'm thinking, I'm thinking"- Jack Benny
Lone Ranger scene: bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. "Oh my arm!"
Ah ch ch. I've got a million of 'em.
from Pinky and the Brain
Brain: are you pondering what i'm pondering
Pinky: i think so brain, (this comment was always followed by a completely inane response, like) but where are we going to find rubber pants our size at this time of night
Why don't ya come up and see me sometime.
Hey, Rock. Watch me pull a rabbit out of a hat.
What's up Doc.
Hunting wabbits.
Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into.
Come on, porcupine.
Nyuk nyuk.
If I dood it, I get in twouble. I dood it.
I taught I taw a puddy tat.