OmSigDAVID wrote:
Foofie wrote:
Green Witch wrote:
What makes you think it's a joke?
A joke and truth are not mutually exclusive. It could be true, yet it is still funny. If it is true, it is within one's rights to pursue happiness. The beauty of the U.S.A. One does not have to have equality of baby hugs, as a private citizen. If one was hired to hug babies, by a private business, then there could be a need to have equality in baby hugging. As a private citizen, I can hug, or not hug, whichever baby I choose. [This is true, yet funny, Foofie mused.]
It sounds like assault n battery to me.
Grab someone,
by what right ?
Foofie wrote:
I see your point.
My point was rendered in
As a general rule, I don 't believe that the concept of assault
or battery is correctly applied to hugging a baby.
Personally, I am not much of a hugger, but if I were the judge,
I doubt that I'd find liability in that circumstance.
Foofie wrote:In actuality, I have only hugged a baby that I am related to,
and then not as lovingly as many another relative. I would not hug
non-relative babies, since I could never know the feelings of the
babies parents, relatives, etc. My discourse on hugging was only
for proving a point that one does not have to hug (aka, love)
babies equally from all backgrounds. The word "hug" was really
used metaphorically for "love." Yes, I do not love all babies/people equally.
I must
strongly AGREE with u !
Each of us is the
sovereign lord of our emotions,
and of
ALL in the land between our ears.
Nevertheless, I believe that I 'd be remiss if I omitted
to add this: people who have returned to somatic life from death
(defined as no cardiovascular, pulmonary, nor encephallic activity for a while)
have reported that we judge our lives by the criteria of love n learning
and it is considered a good, healthy idea to project love, on a voluntary basis.
Foofie wrote:
I admit I have my preferences that are based on background.
U have an absolute right to absolute freedom in your preferences!
Foofie wrote:
Not that I dislike any babies, but I just cannot feel close to some babies,
Differences of personality may well play a role in this.
I have intensely disliked the ones that have screamed at great length in fine restaurants,
while I am endeavoring to dine in tranquility.
Foofie wrote:
since I cannot feel close to their parents.
MY part, I can make a distinction between any person and his relatives,
prefering either over the other, as the case may be.
Foofie wrote:
A general alienation from some groups, based on many factors.
I have never professed to be an equal opportunity human, nor do I need to.
Well said! I join in your sentiments, Foofie,
tho I have deviated, on an individual basis, as the occassion has seemed appropriate.