The whole concept of teaching children to excel at standardized testing is absolutely flawed. That's one reason I jumped ship from my education minor during my first attempt at college.
Quote: The things I read with/to him, he loves -- he'd do this all day long. We read together a lot.
Quote: I firmly believe that he'll catch up when it's appropriate for him
Either your instinct or you're filtering out the right messages from whatever media sources you've been exposed, you assessment of your own child seems to be quite intuitive and dead on the target. It's a damn shame that the school system doesn't realize that your seemingly circuitous route to getting
Mo up to speed on his ability to read and love doing it at the same time is the best way to help
Moe academically. It's not like what you're doing is an alien practice. At least in an anecdotal sense, I heard this dozens and dozens of times, regarding the slow start of boys learning to read. The fact that he's a captivated audience when you are reading with him? That's a definitely sunny sign that he'll become an avid reader when the reading skills he
WILL eventually learn will come to him.
My only caveat to my above statement is that perhaps you should make due care to rule out any ... reading disabilities
Mo might have. Either way, keep reading to him.