I'm supposing they have a cd player and don't understand italian. I don't much either but I've looked up some bizarro lyrics.
Still, I like travelling music, including symphonies, opera, and much else, though mostly blues.
And my first choice to bring is one almost no one here will know -
(maybe Francis and Fbaezer, and the guy from Rome whose name I'm forgetting this minute, starts with R - I'll be back with that, he's been helpful to me and I like him).
mi innavoravo di tutto
The recording that gets me ---
coda di lupo
I could play it forever.
As I remember that first particular piece, it's flakey, as is much else, at least in translation, but de Andre had an emotional stance.
Should I do that to my cousins...
when I could give them Mendelssohn..
Given I bring this one, the others may be innocuous.
Still it's an amusing idea, talk via cds in a cramped space.