I think I reported on another thread a day or two ago that I had just made peanut butter (crunchy) and pine nuts and cocoa cookies. Good, of course, as it's hard to ruin them except by burning.
I like a lot of kinds of cookies, but store cookies are generally way too sweet to me. I cut a fair lot of the sugar in my cookie baking... well, all my baking.
I've not tasted cookies in Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, Germany, France (sob to not getting to those places), much less the rest of the world, but the cookies I've had in Italy were way less sweet than the american product, so when I got back from there, the sweetness in cookies here got to me in a negative way, a new recognition.
I think I liked cookies in Mexico the times I was there.. long ago memories on that. Maybe the amount of sugar in those, there, was in between.