CoastalRat wrote:
You've convinced me Cy. Just let the man escape punishment. After all, he's famous and done a lot of good.
I don't think you read what I wrote; because I said his fame or other arguments in his favor are immaterial. I wouldn't care if he was just some regular dude. The parties involved consider the case settled, and that's good enough for me.
Just because he raped a 13 year old one time and was already given a break and only had to plead guilty to molestation charges shouldn't matter. Such a nice guy. Made some really good movies and such. He's not really bad just because he RAPED a 13 year old. Let him go. Let him live his life.
More bad argumentation from you. Your appeals to emotion don't change the facts in this case.
Quote:And while we are at it, let's cut loose all the other child molesters in the country. After all, I'm sure many of them are really nice guys. I hear some were even priests and such. Oh, wait, they are rich and famous and can't afford to settle up with the family financially. So they get to stay in jail.
Yeah, equal justice for all is so old fashioned.
Now you are combining Appealing to Extremes with just plain being ridiculous. This has no relation whatsoever to what I wrote or what the actual argument I made was. It is an unrelated point that you are throwing up in an attempt to win an argument with emotional appeals. Weak.
Your refusal to take the wishes of the victim into account is rather ridiculous. Who are you trying to get Justice for? Certainly not the victim, the continued attention only makes her and her family's life hell.
Your insistence on making this a 100% black and white issue, where only your position can be considered the Just one, isn't displaying a good grasp of all the elements in play in this case. Polanski's life, his history, his career, and his fame and fortune have
nothing to do with it. The wishes of the victim have everything to do with it. Try having some respect for actual people, instead of a nebulous sense of 'Justice.'
I would hope that if you didn't want your family dragged through the mud, your children embarrassed and shamed at school, and the media hounding you for years, that your wishes would be respected. I doubt that you would be signing the same tune if your life was turned into a ******* mess over something you thought had gone away long ago, and that you had forgiven.