Yeah, that was my first response, too... I get the "in my day, I went to school when I was sleepy and walked five miles, uphill both ways" thing, but when sozlet is "
unusually sleepy, lethargic or grumpy" she's usually coming down with something and I keep her home.
Just happened this morning actually. She was stuffy this weekend but it was inconclusive -- allergies? Cold? She didn't have a fever and was bright-eyed and otherwise fine. Planned to send her to school as usual this morning. Put her to bed early last night. This morning she would NOT wake up. That's unusual for her -- she's frequently sleepy but she'll eventually yawn and stretch and start waking up, this morning she was, like, alive, but wouldn't respond to
anything. When she's that out of it, I let her sleep, 'cause she needs it. If I force the issue, that's when I have to go pick her up at noon or so because she's in bad shape. (It's happened 2-3 times.)
Told the school, let her sleep, she was up about an hour later, looking good. Gave her a big breakfast, observed her for a while, she seemed fine, (still no fever, and much less stuffy), took her in.