Sat 11 Oct, 2003 05:17 pm
Would your church allow a minister to openly have sexual relations outside of heterosexal
marrage without pulling their licence. Please I dont need to know your feeling on this
just your churches stand yes or no and the name of the denomination.
Love everybody and kill no one.
I am Baptist.
We throw pastors out into the street for much less than infidelity.
Deacons, too.
Anyone else who commits infidelity is gossipped and cold-shouldered out into the street.
A man made social organization that tries and fails to teach ethics.
They mean to teach morals, c.i. -- Ethics is a college course. Can't you imagine a course at a university: Morals? Genetic scientists are beginning to figure out that we are all born with a moral sense, except for sociopaths/psychopaths who seem to come into the world with no conscience. I don't know how any cleric is able to survive a sexual scandal -- the film "Priest" touched upon that subject and came up with some pretty gut wrenching answers.
Anyway, when I was involved with the Episcopalian faith, it would be doubtful the Priest would be expelled. It would have to be severe enough and the congregation would have to somehow become aware.
Sociopaths were at one time normal people. Something happened to them, illness or environment, to cause them to go slightly insane.
Just out of curiosity, who is claiming we are born with a moral sense? If that is really so, than why don't we all agree on everything? Has he located the "moral sense"? What does it look like?
Right: morals and ethics. Thou shalt not steal.
Not quite the whole story -- genetic study is beginning to reveal that they may be born without the ability to judge right from wrong. They are also very smart and clever people who can snow everyone into believing they are quite normal.
Being born with a moral sense doesn't mean it doesn't need fine tuning, can go astray due to parents (a dysfunctional family) or other outside influences. The science is too new for any conclusive results but as I pointed out before, Francis Crick, a Nobel prize winner in genetic research, has written about a scientific existance of the soul. It's not without, it's within and unfortunately dies with us.
I believe that psychopaths aren't born with the ability to tell right from wrong. I just want to know what makes you think that the rest of us are.
You want some reading material on this subject, rufio? The studies are fascinating and are headed in the direction of showing that morals are necessarily something normal people need to be taught. Abnormal minds are not going to find a cure in a church, I'm afraid.
Abnormal? Like, they were bruised as a child? What ability do some humans have that others do not? We are all the same species, made up of the same components and abilities at birth, which differ only in type, but are present in some form in all. Church may not be the best way to teach anything to some people. There are also plenty of new studies about the way that people, especially children learn, that show that we have perhaps been making huge mistakes in education in general.
I haven't been to church in so long that I forget.
Me neither Montana. I think if I walked into a church, the walls would fall down.
Wilso, maybe you'd be safe if the church had a lighting rod?
no my church is a non-denomation church