No I didn't, I don't make quiche. I make egg custard things, all off hand.
Say, take six large eggs, crack into a mixing dish. Add six half egg shells (whatever, some tablespoonsfull) of water. Beat. Add stuff from your refrigerator or cupboard - say, chopped fresh olives, slivered garlic, pre sauteed onions, some cheese bits, some previously cooked potato slices, some ham or some shrimp, some sweet red pepper, diced, some bits of salami, some peas, some chopped scallions.. you get the idea, refrigerator melange. To all this I add salt and lots of pepper, and some chile pepper, and a smidge (don't tell dlowan) of curry powder. Maybe some leftover pasta.
Pour into a pie dish that you have buttered. Bake it until done. I guess I usually use 375 for, uh, 40 minutes. Usually I don't use all those things, of course. Sometimes it's just some pesto and maybe leftover chopped potato.
Now then, what is a curry paste? I've made curries with, say 14 ingredients, or thrown something together with curry powder and this and that, but I don't know about pastes. Is that like those japanese pellet things?