what utter clueless bullshit. If you have no idea of what you speak gunga, you shouldnt waste our time.
THe principals of stratigraphy are underpinned by hydraulics, geomechanics, sedimentation, structural geology, and clastics mineralogy, Not toention several subdisciplines that use and depend on the av=ccuracy of sedimentary stratigraphy (like my own area of practice, economic geology). Ive made a very good living utilizing the principles of stratigraphy , you , on the other hand, have not. You are merely speaking from a pulpit of ignorance and mythology.
If youd go out in the field with any assignment to find a specific economic mineral, Im afraid youd be lost in the woods and would soon be broke and starving.
Thats why most all "Creationist geologists" arent even practicing scientists. Those that try, are merely trying to keep their heads down and are usually far from the age and stratigraphic interpretation portion . I know of one Jehovahs Witness geophysicist. Hes sort of an ostrich too, but at least he can argue from a higher plane of knowledge than you.