Best of luck to you.
Some suggestions:
1. Look into case modding in addition to building high-end gaming systems.
2. Document, document, document what you sell to people. When they call you up for help with their display, it will be easy to help them find that graphics driver.
3. Are you going to provide support as well? Check out how to use RealVNC's "listening viewer" to provide support without your clients having to modify their firewall.
Website design suggestions (I emphasis suggestions, as I'm no web designer):
I don't like the bare-metal PC on your webpage. Build a fancy PC and put up a picture of it.
I'd change this:
Quote:Copper City Computers"Dedicated, professional service for your home and business. Specializing in personal computer maintenance and upgrades, Copper City Computers can also help your small business with ALL your IT needs. Server setup and network planning, wireless communications, printer selection and purchasing.
to something like this:
Copper City Computers
*Dedicated, professional service for your home and business.
*Specializing in personal computer maintenance and upgrades
Full-service IT for small businesses:
*Network planning
*Server setup
*Wireless communications
*Printer selection and purchasing
Some other services you might provide: backup, restore, data archiving, tape management (you'd set up a delivery service, perhaps?), off-site backup, life cycle management, cabling/custom cables, network documentation, emergency/after-hours support, etc.