Thu 16 Jul, 2009 10:17 pm
Anyways, i have been twirling a paint bucket, and didn't realize it was so deep.(only the top was moving around, the bottom stagnated) I moved it immediately to a tupperware box thing so i could shake it, it has handles. I shook it around alot, i have a fire fork thing that i bought at wal-mart, it has two prongs and its 1/8 inch thick so it's tough. I stabbed it all over and shook it etc.
Anything i should do in particular?
The question that everyone is afraid to ask "What are you trying to do and what does it have to do with your compost?
grow plants?
im still not sure if i should toss it out and start over, if its too late or something..
the smell went down drastically.
fuckit. ill just shake it everyday.
and hope for the best
What kind of stuff do you have in the bucket? If it's just table scraps, you might try adding some dry leaves or grass clippings and the shake shake shake.
i would suggest removing the little children.
when rotten, they stink
are you saying that you have an anerboic digester/ what did it cost
no i have a rubbermaid bin.
full of coffee grounds , tea bags , eggshells , apples bananas and rice pretty much..
smell went down alot, it rained i guess and the water prolly caused most of it. maybe im not sure.
i put more air holes
shakey shakey
i want to find something grass leafish etc..
cardboard will suffice for now. soemthing less organic to tone it down.. heh but im just uhh doign whatever.
this would be easier if you did not live in the middle of a desert...
lemme guess what sort of plants your gonna grow.... ummm maybe not.
Too much moisture is your problem. aerating as you are doing will fix it.
perhaps a little more dry organic matter sawdust dried leaves that kinda stuff.
Shake shake shake /
shake shake shake /
shake your bootay
if i was capable of growing weed i would have done so years ago btw
i want to grow some vegetables so i dont have to buy them anymore.
fruits maybe but trees are yeah, big.
and herbs.