Advocate wrote:
It is interesting, deserving of debate, that the white male is not considered part of a special interest group. He seems to be allowed to freely take shots at women and members of minority groups, alleging bias, etc. Maybe there should be a presumption that a white male nurtures bias, racism, etc., in favor of white males in general.
Conservatives appear to believe, if a minority takes a slot in a military academy or a university, then the slot was taken away from a deserving white male by a less deserving minority. Case in point are the writings of Pat Buchanan. His columns reek of bigotry and racism in favor of white males in general.
In his most recent column, Buchanan urged the GOP disregard the Hispanic vote and go after the WHITE conservative vote:
"These are the folks [white conservatives] whose jobs have been outsourced to China and Asia,
who pay the price of affirmative action when their sons and daughters are pushed aside to make room for the Sonia Sotomayors. These are the folks who want the borders secured and the illegals sent back."
In another column, he railed against the dwindling numbers of WHITE Americans of European decent (via an
evil he identified as Ethnonationalism).
He wrote:
Quote:Observing the lightning breakup of the Soviet Union, the Chinese take ethnonationalism with deadly seriousness. American's elite regard it an irrelevancy, an obsession only of the politically retarded.
After all, they tell us, we were never blood-and-soil people, always a propositional nation, a nation of ideas. Our belief in democracy, diversity, and equality define us and make us different from all other nations.
Indeed, we now happily predict the year, 2042, when Americans of European ancestry become a minority in a country whose Founding Fathers declared it set aside for "ourselves and our posterity."
Without the assent of her people, America is being converted from a Christian country, nine in 10 of whose people traced their roots to Europe as late as the time of JFK, into a multiracial, multiethnic, multilingual, multicultural Tower of Babel not seen since the late Roman Empire.
The city farthest along the path is Los Angeles, famous worldwide for the number, variety, and size of its ethnic and racial street gangs.
Not to worry. It can't happen here.
In another column, Buchanan wrote about the
DUMBING DOWN OF THE U.S. NAVY due to minority admission practices of the academy.
And here, Buchanan wrote:
Quote:Thus, Sotomayor got into Princeton, got her No. 1 ranking, was whisked into Yale Law School and made editor of the Yale Law Review -- all because she was a Hispanic woman. And those two Ivy League institutions cheated more deserving students of what they had worked a lifetime to achieve, for reasons of race, gender or ethnicity.
This is bigotry pure and simple. To salve their consciences for past societal sins, the Ivy League is deep into discrimination again, this time with white males as victims rather than as beneficiaries. . . .
That were it not for Ivy League dishonesty, Sotomayor would not have gotten into Princeton, would never have been ranked first in her class, would not have gotten into Yale Law, nor been named editor of Yale Law Review, and thus would not be a U.S. appellate court judge today or a nominee to the Supreme Court.
A sampling of the reader comments following this column is demonstrative of the a disturbing mindset:
james wrote:America the rewarder of mediocrity will be turned into a 3rd world country if this continues. Good piece Pat
Epiminondas from Atlanta wrote:So, my white friends, where do you think this is going to end? Do you think your grandchildren (assuming they will be white) are going to end up living in a nation that is friendly to them? If you are a liberal white person, you have already answered this question by consigning your grandchildren to multicultural hell. You'll please pardon the rest of us who no longer support this corrupt government and will be going our own way.
Kevin from Georgia wrote:How can one argue with Pat's points. But rest assured many white males brainwashed with white guilt will find a way. How else can one explain Obama's election.
Paul from Baltimore wrote:In 1960 Presidential candidate "racist" George Wallace(Gov Alabama) said "If the civil rights bill becomes law, every major city and the entire US educational system will be destroyed". The US educational system is dead and every major city in the US is in ruins.
joeyinempirestate wrote:AA hurts whites, by depriving them of positions they rightfully earned, but it harms minorities even more, by elevating them to positions for which they are not qualified. Now more than ever, we need articulate folk like Pat to tackle these issues without fear of being labeled racist. We are losing our country.
norb from chicago wrote:This will be the first country in the history of the world that will bankrupt itself by following the dreams of idealistic idiots passing laws that make a Chihuahua a German Shepard.