David wrote:I see it as a matter of self defense, Hawkeye.
hawkeye10 wrote:You take the line of reasoning pretty far.
How far are you willing to go?
There might be a limit.
I have not decided on any yet.
hawkeye10 wrote:Would it in theory be self defense to kill others or prevent
the birth of babies so that you could have enough to eat, drink, and breathe?
In the face of acute scarcity of food, water n oxygen,
A negative answer is passively suicidal.
I saw a fictional TV show about that c.40 years ago,
showing an underground collapse, with entrapment.
Logically, u gotta do what u gotta do defensively.
hawkeye10 wrote: If not, where do you finally draw the line on what you have the right
to take away from others in the promotion of your best interests?
Mayhap someday I will draw a line.
Woud u approve of an alleged right of someone
to release mustard gas onto a recreational beech ?
Does the mustard gasser have a right to burn
rubber tires on a recreational beech ?
I have a defensive right to
NOT get stunk out.
What say u, Hawkeye ?