Sat 20 Jun, 2009 03:06 pm
I use safari as a browser.
I've gotten two emails from Jane M; title - "wanting to connect with you and send you a flower". I do know one Jane M, but she uses an email that shows her husband's name, and is a pretty sophisticated artist that would be unlikely to be "sending me a flower".
My nose is telling me not to open this. But, of course I might be wrong about that, maybe I'm blanking on some old friend.
Is there a way to check the actual email of the sender without clicking on the message title? (Of course, Yahoo help doesn't clarify this, unless I've searched incorrectly.) I think you used to be able to do that with outlook express in combo with PacBell email, but I haven't used that for years.
Just open it.
I don't think opening a Yahoo email is dangerous at all-- as long as you don't open attachments.
If there are images in the email, the sender (good or bad) can know that the email was opened (you can stop this by blocking images in the email settings)... but other than that, there is no reason not to just open the email and read the text.
The worst that could happen is an offer of viagra.
@ebrown p,
Thanks, eb. I remember opening something by mistake years ago that was disgusting to the max, photographically, and not an attachment to click - thus my vibes. I admit that yahoo has been a good spam blocker.
Trust your nose. That's what it's for.
Do you know how to turn off images in Yahoo mail? That will keep you from being offended "photographically" and will keep the sender from knowing you read their email.
You could turn this feature back on or you can leave it at the "don't open images until I tell you to" mode. This is a very useful feature that I have on by default.
Right, Spendi.
And I did find this from looking further on Yahoo -;_ylt=AipTwnqkzhSSXuUSkl3AiJofuyR4
The fact that there are two messages identically titled is more of a nose tweaker.
Oddly, I got another message from an old friend I'm not much in touch with today, but I recognize the email.
@ebrown p,
No, I had no idea you could do that, eb. I haven't deleted them yet, will consider it. On the other hand, as in that yahoo link, they could just be fishing for legitimate email addresses sans embedded photos... but I'd still like to avoid that.
My yahoo account is my throw away account (i.e. the email address I give when someone insists I give an email address). I usually only read email in this account only I need to click-back somewhere to enable an account.
But once in a while I peruse the thousands of spams that are now sent to this account-- luckily it is very difficult to offend me photographically.
I use yahoo for one of my accounts. If I place the cursor over the sender’s name, their email address automatically displays after about a one second lag. No need for me to do anything else. Your mileage may vary.
I tried that, but maybe I didn't wait long enough. Will try again..
Yep, you're right, it does show up, with a little patience, and no, I don't recognize it - it's spam. Thanks!!!!
You're curiosity got the better of you did it osso? Oh dear!
Over-rode your nose did you.
You should never do that Babe.
Don't you know your Mailer?
No, it didn't, Spendi. I just put the cursor over the name, didn't open the message. (I haven't read Mailer in years.....)