Mon 8 Jun, 2009 07:09 am
This time we finally decide to split away from Britain! I don’t feel like a Brit, neither does anyone I know! So why the hell staying part of Britain, right? I’m pissed off to see the lenten faces of prim Brits when I come up to London and say I’m from Aberdeen. They take us for backwoodsmen! That will do it! We don’t own them anything! Rather, they own us for the taxes we pay to royal treasury. You know what? we can make use of this money! So it should be much better to keep the money! The more so as we got to find ways to recover in crisis. So I say that doing away with Britain is the best what we can do!
the scots are devolving, don't tell gungasnake
Scotland is a net recipient from the British treasury.
So on its own, it would be much poorer.
Alax Salmond has been very quiet since the British taxpayer bailed out the two big Scottish banks. No chance of anything like that happening if Scotland were independent.
So on balace, I think we're better off inside the tent pissing out.
If you're so damned independent, why are you posting in English? (Or rather, a close approximation to English.)
Don't ye have the Gaelic?
In my younger days, a friend and me were traveling through Europe. We met a nice Scot boy (rather young man) during our travels. We asked him if the rumor is true that Scotland detests the British. I think he said it well - they don't hate them, but to illustrate if there were a Brit and a rat in the road, there'd be skids marks in front of the rat.
I think you mean "detest the English", Linkat. Britain is England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Citizens of all those countries are "British", so if a Scot detested "the British" he'd be detesting, among others, himself and his fellow Scots.
It really doesn't matter . . . the guy who wrote this is a Russian.
Oh, my - I can't spell worth a thing and I was typing so fast to get at the joke I didn't use any of the right terminology - now granted this was about 20 years ago and I was probably half drunk at the time.
But either way you just ruined a good joke by being so picky.
That's a matter of opinion.
Let me guess where you are from?
And it isn't the rat!
Quote:But either way you just ruined a good joke by being so picky
Barry Crier said that explaining a joke was like dissecting a frog.
Nobody laughs, and the frog always dies.
Can you explain that to me please, McT?
That will depend upon whether or not McT is on an irony-free diet.
McTag wrote:Barry Crier said that explaining a joke was like dissecting a frog.
He stole that witticism from Barry Cryer, unless I mistake my guess.
Linkat wrote:But either way you just ruined a good joke by being so picky.
On the contrary. You sabotaged what scarcely counts as a joke by your ignorant preamble.
Picky, or what?
I've got some other jokes (Guardian, Saturday) and can share.
I love a good joke. Dr Johnson said "The noblest prospect which a Scotchman [sic] ever sees, is the high road that leads him to England!"
Well I'm obviously correct otherwise why the outrage? And also on the picky side - another one of those that has this compulsion to correct spelling or typing errors.