Merry Andrew
Thu 28 May, 2009 05:48 pm
@ebrown p,
What is ALIPAC, please?
Thu 28 May, 2009 06:03 pm
Merry Andrew
Thu 28 May, 2009 06:05 pm
Thx, pan.
0 Replies
Thu 28 May, 2009 06:07 pm
others are suggesting Sotomayor's racial views will have little impact on her confirmation to the bench.

"She's gonna get confirmed. Get out of the way of the truck," political analyst Dick Morris said tonight on Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor."

Host Bill O'Reilly responded, "The core conservative person ... does not understand that the GOP is shrinking and needs to expand."

The NCLR(La Raza) is applauding the Obama for his selection of Sotomayor.

"Today is a monumental day for Latinos. Finally, we see ourselves represented on the highest court in the land," said Janet Murguia, NCLR's president and CEO.

La Raza also praised former President George W. Bush for nominating Alberto Gonzales to succeed John Ashcroft as attorney general.
0 Replies
ebrown p
Thu 28 May, 2009 06:14 pm
@Merry Andrew,
ALIPAC is an anti-immigrant group with ties to white supremacists (hence their hatred of a Hispanic civil rights organization, bilingual education and Latina judges).

I find it amusing that Advocate is defending Sotomayor here while he supports the anti-immigrant extremists elsewhere.

0 Replies
Thu 28 May, 2009 06:48 pm
You don't know a thing about American Jurisprudence, Nimh. Anyone who thinks that Obama appointed Sotomayor because of her legal expertise and judicial demeanor, is a moron.

The great Harvard Law Professor , Lawrence Tribe( although a far left liberal) is fourteen times more qualified and learned than Soto.
0 Replies
Thu 28 May, 2009 11:30 pm
@ebrown p,
ebrownp--David is at least three times as smart as you ebrownp--Try to challenge him directly and see where you end up.

David likes the even numbered amendments, you say--what horseshit!

David knows about all of the amendments and can explain them to you.

Do you have a law degree? David does!
Fri 29 May, 2009 03:13 am
genoves is bitter and smells of moldy cheese.
0 Replies
ebrown p
Fri 29 May, 2009 04:29 am
you don´t have much of a sense of humor, do you genoves.
Fri 29 May, 2009 06:54 am
@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:

you don´t have much of a sense of humor, do you genoves.

Of course possum has a sense of humor. How else he could he make this statement after referring to the TTT law schools that Deb and Joe attended.

genoves wrote:
Do you have a law degree? David does!

That statement just drips with irony ebrown. How could you miss the humor it contains?
0 Replies
Fri 29 May, 2009 10:07 am
dyslexia wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

dyslexia wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

We never had Souter 's vote anyway.
Is that we the american people or David

Originalist Americans (not refering to the Indians) who wish
to preserve the Constitution as it was agreed;
supporters of personal freedom, laissez faire free enterprise,
and individualism. That includes David

U came BACK! I was trying to decide whether to feel guilty.

So dvid shud we abolish the 27 amendments?

We shoud not, Dys.

0 Replies
Fri 29 May, 2009 10:11 am
@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:

I suspect David likes the even numbered amendments.

I don 't think much of the 16th nor the 18th Amendments.

0 Replies
Fri 29 May, 2009 02:00 pm
The right is very desperate. It is trying to stoke the flames of a race war concerning Sotomayor.

Right-Wing Hate Rears Its Ugly Head

The radical right wing has launched a vicious campaign of racist and sexist attacks against Judge Sonia Sotomayor, President Obama's selection to replace the retiring Justice David Souter on the Supreme Court. Sotomayor's "compelling life story" involves a brilliant legal career after being raised in a South Bronx public housing project by parents who moved from Puerto Rico. Sotomayor graduated from Princeton University summa cum laude, edited the Yale Law Journal, then served as a "fearless and effective" New York City prosecutor and corporate lawyer before being appointed to the bench by President George H. W. Bush in 1992. "Since joining the Second Circuit in 1998, Sotomayor has authored over 150 opinions," only three of which have been overturned by the Supreme Court's conservative majority. During her time as an appeals judge, "her influence has grown significantly." Public reaction to the nomination of the first Latina and third woman to the nation's highest court is "decidedly more positive than negative." Former Bush adviser Mark McKinnon remarked, "If Republicans make a big deal of opposing Sotomayor, we will be hurling ourselves off a cliff." However, "the same right-wing extremists who drove the country into the ground," Salon's Glenn Greenwald writes, "continue to attack Sonia Sotomayor with blatant and ugly stereotypes." Right-wing pundit Pat Buchanan called Sotomayor an "affirmative action candidate," and Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes claimed she "has benefited from affirmative action over the years tremendously." As hate-radio extremist Glenn Beck described the nomination: "Hey, Hispanic chick lady! You're empathetic ... you're in!"

'WISE LATINA WOMAN': "[L]ess than 24 hours after President Obama's nomination of Sotomayor," right-wing hate merchants seized on a 2001 speech about her Latina heritage and the courts, calling her "a racist" and a "bigot." In a 2001 speech before the Berkeley La Raza Law Journal's annual symposium, Sotomayor argued that judges' gender and race can influence their decisions on gender and race discrimination cases, saying she "would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." However, she cautioned she owes the parties who appear before her "constant and complete vigilance in checking [her] assumptions, presumptions and perspectives." Pulling out the "wise Latina woman" phrase, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich attacked Sotomayor on his Twitter feed as a "Latina woman racist." "Obama is the greatest living example of a reverse racist," hate-radio host Rush Limbaugh complained, "and now he's appointed the U.S. Supreme Court." Former Republican House member and anti-immigration extremist Tom Tancredo agreed that Sotomayor "appears to be a racist" and called La Raza the "Latino KKK without the hoods or the nooses." Curt Levey, executive director of Committee for Justice, "a conservative legal group active in judicial nominations," said that "I wonder whether she knows the difference" between being a Puerto Rican advocate -- Sotomayor served on the board of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund in the 1980s -- and being a judge. Some of the racist attacks on Sotomayor are simply absurd. Mark Krikorian of the right-wing Center for Immigration Studies blogged on the National Review's Corner about his outrage over people "[d]eferring" to Sotomayor over the "unnatural pronunciation" of her own name.

'SORT OF A SCHOOLMARM': Right-wing extremists have also launched vicious attacks on her intelligence, temperament, and demeanor. Karl Rove, President Bush's "political brain," has led the sexist slurs, claiming that Sotomayor is "not necessarily" smart and has acted "like sort of a schoolmarm" on the Second Circuit. "I'm not really certain how intellectually strong she would be," he opined on Fox News. In the Wall Street Journal, Rove argued she is one of those judges selected "for their readiness to discard the rule of law whenever emotion moves them." Citing anonymous attacks promoted by the New Republic, Weekly Standard executive editor Fred Barnes said that Sotomayor was "not the smartest." The New York Times writes that "to detractors, Judge Sotomayor's sharp-tongued and occasionally combative manner -- some lawyers have described her as 'difficult' and 'nasty' -- raises questions about her judicial temperament and willingness to listen." But a fellow Second Circuit judge, Guido Calabresi, "kept track of the questions posed by Judge Sotomayor and other members of the 12-member court" and found that her "behavior was identical." "Some lawyers just don't like to be questioned by a woman," Judge Calabresi added. "It was sexist, plain and simple."

REPUBLICAN SENATORS STEP BACK: Although Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) said that Sotomayor may be subject to the "undue influence" of her race and gender, Republican senators have attempted to distance themselves from the hatred. Even Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS), who announced he would vote against Sotomayor's nomination, said, "I think that we should be judging people not on race and gender, or background or ethnicity or a very compelling story." Some members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will conduct hearings on Sotomayor's nomination this summer, have directly denounced the worst invective. Responding to the attacks on Sotomayor calling her "racist," Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) told NPR's "All Things Considered," "I think it's terrible. This is not the kind of tone that any of us want to set when it comes to performing our constitutional responsibilities of advice and consent." "I don't agree with" the "racist" smear, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) said recently. "If there are no otherwise disqualifying matters here it appears to me she will probably be confirmed," Hatch told CNN Radio yesterday.
Fri 29 May, 2009 02:02 pm
@ebrown p,
No, but I have a sense of rumor!
0 Replies
Fri 29 May, 2009 02:04 pm
Re: nimh (Post 3662021)
You don't know a thing about American Jurisprudence, Nimh. Anyone who thinks that Obama appointed Sotomayor because of her legal expertise and judicial demeanor, is a moron.

The great Harvard Law Professor , Lawrence Tribe( although a far left liberal) is fourteen times more qualified and learned than Soto.
0 Replies
Fri 29 May, 2009 02:05 pm
Re: joefromchicago (Post 3660974)
How the fu.k would you know what a good rundown is , Joe from Chicago? Everyone who knows you knows you went to a TTT( for those who are not conversant with quasi-legal terminology) Means Third Tier Toilet( law school).

Joe now spends most of his time trying to get dime bag crack cases at 26th and California. Those with a sharp eye can see that he changed his logo. He used to have a picture of Daley next to his name but I understand that when he begged for a job from Stroger, the Bridgeport contingent would have no part of a person who actually cheered for the CUBS.

But I am starting to worry about Joe. I think that smoking all those used up cigars tossed away at 26th and California( Stroger and Emil Jones smoke nothing but the best) has affected his writing and thinking.

Even though Joe graduated from a TTT, there is no excuse for writing a sentence like:
quote Joe
She does, however, have actual trial court experience, which will make one on the supreme court, and she also has experience as a prosecutor, which, I think, will also make her unique among her colleagues.

end of quote for Joe

What in the hell does "Which will make one on the supreme court" mean/

One WHAT. What is the referent?

Did you take legal writing at the TTT, Joe?
0 Replies
Fri 29 May, 2009 02:14 pm
Edgar Blythe wrote:

It is my guess that liberals did not want an Hispanic Clarence Thomas. His race was only an issue in that he represented the philosophy of Bush, and it is hard to publicly vote against an Hispanic in those circumstances.


Of course, but then you are admitting, Edgar Blythe, that liberals abjure candidates that do not conform to their SOCIALIST agendas.

Everyone knows that.

And everyone knows that Sotomayor was nominated because she represents the SOCIALIST philosophy of Obama.

That is to be expected. But anyone who says that Obama selected Sotomayor because of her legal expertise or her brilliance on the bench is just being foolish.

Obama has gained some extra Hispanic votes. Now, he should search for a Lesbian judge with a disability. There are, of course, some votes to be mined there.

Barack Hussein Obama had better hurry though. If the Unemployment Rate keep rising and he continues to mishandle critical issues like the Iranian drive for Nuclear Weapons and the spit in the US' face defiance by North Korea, he may find that the elections in November 2010 will be far more problematic than he could ever imagine.

Clinton tried to hoodwink the American public with a "HEALTH PLAN". The public turned out the Democrats in 1994.

0 Replies
ebrown p
Fri 29 May, 2009 02:17 pm
Advocate wrote:
Former Republican House member and anti-immigration extremist Tom Tancredo agreed that Sotomayor "appears to be a racist" and called La Raza the "Latino KKK without the hoods or the nooses." Curt Levey, executive director of Committee for Justice, "a conservative legal group active in judicial nominations," said that "I wonder whether she knows the difference" between being a Puerto Rican advocate -- Sotomayor served on the board of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund in the 1980s -- and being a judge. Some of the racist attacks on Sotomayor are simply absurd. Mark Krikorian of the right-wing Center for Immigration Studies blogged on the National Review's Corner about his outrage over people "[d]eferring" to Sotomayor over the "unnatural pronunciation" of her own name.

These are the very people that you have sworn in the immigration thread are not racist-- but here they are racist?

Advocate, how quickly you turn on your friends.
Fri 29 May, 2009 02:20 pm
genoves wrote:
Do you have a law degree? David does!

And I will bet with anyone that David's law degree is not from a TTT. Jag from Chicago is a blowhard who has never ever given his credentials. For all we know he could be a failed former law student.

Debra L A W falls into the same category.

I believe David is retired. I think he mentioned that on another thread. Jag from Chicago is not retired. Neither is Debra L A W.

Now, I know enough about good lawyers--people who are always in demand by the top 100 law firms who make 300,000, 400,000 and 500,000 a year even during their thirties--to know that these good lawyers do not, I repeat do not have the time, and do not want to waste the time posting on threads like this.

Young or middle aged lawyers who take time to post on these threads are LOSERS!!!!

That means Jag from Chicago and Debra L A W!
0 Replies
Fri 29 May, 2009 02:22 pm
@ebrown p,
I didn't know Tom Tancredo was still a member of the House of Representatives. But if he isn't, there should be a law made to shut him up.

How dare he mouth those intolerant opinions?

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